Romanian: “Se uita ca mata-n calendar”
Literally translation: “Stare like a cat at a calendar”
Meaning: looking at someone/ something rather confused.
This is one of the Romanian phrases that English speakers find most amusing and hilarious. However, Romania and its people have something in particular which may be called mysterious, challenging and legendary.
At B Smart you will discover that great specialized trainers will walk you through, and help you connect, and become aware of what this language with Latin origins has to offer.
Romanian can be taught through virtually all the languages in our portfolio
Modules and Levels
3 modules of 30 hours per level.
Levels as per the Common European Frame of Reference: A1 – beginners, A2 – elementary, B1 – pre-intermediate, B2 – upper- intermediate, C1 – Advanced, C2 – very advanced.
Schedule: 2 sessions of 2 hours during the week or a session of 3 hours on weekends
Teaching time: 50 minutes
Module duration: 7-10 weeks (depending on the schedule)
standard 6-9 students
mini-groups or ne-to-one
extended groups (upon request)
Course types:
Offline at B SMART Centers
Hybrid(at the same session some students are in the classroom and others participate online)
Curriculum: It is complex, considering the development of all communication skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening), without neglecting grammar problems. It it clear, concise and well structured.
Besides our standard offer, we can offer an immersion program, an intensive one-week course, both in and outside the classroom.
The program has 3 main categories of activities, which can be mixed up every day:
– Intensive Romanian classes – up to 6 hours a day
– Communication with Romanian natives: coffee breaks, meetings, lunch and dinner
– Visits to museums
The prices vary according to the native language.
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